Thursday, September 29, 2011

Droopy Clown

Stupid clown
Falls down
On the tip
Of his

He is
A pallid
Of peach

You, white
Twinkle toes
Up in the air,
You know

You are
Just the
Of treasures

You are
The remains
Of carefree

Never empty
I miss

Great commencement
Strong discussion
Weak ending

Is all
You are.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


My ocean
Of truth,
I feel not,
I want not.

No passion
No drive
To command
My thoughts
Of appetite


No lust for
The hunger
 Of ambition

I am abstract
I am numb
I am a particle

No emotions
No senses
No animalistic

Never provoked
Always cold
Nothing mutual
Always alone

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ants Are Better Than Humans

Life expectancy of ants
May be too little
But hardly invisible

Complex creatures,
Two eyes made
Of many more,

Humans, selfish
Ants, two stomachs
One, for them
The other for
Every other ant

A world of giants?
To be a giant,
Be first an ant
Then work
Your way
Up to gi

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Saturday, September 10, 2011


Increíble superficie, porosa y montañosa, da comienzo a un país libre de convicción.  Juzga pero no atormenta, se calla ante opiniones. He aquí su tierra suave y blanca donde se hallan los personajes más orgullosos y sabios.  Después se halla el bosque con árboles marrones curvados, los frutos de los cuales se encuentran en las raíces.  Puedes comer vegetales de ciencias, matemáticas, música y hasta filosofías complejas.  Además, se hallan frutos de belleza, amor, alegría, silencio, sexo y pensamientos incalculables.  Esa tierra se considera el paraíso más buscado; lo encontré yo una tarde mientras sentaba en la cocina de mi mejor amiga:  salió del baño en toalla dirigido hacia su cuarto.  Desde aquel momento, encontré que mi paraíso eras tu.  Pero, ¿qué hago cuando tiembla el paraíso?

Black and White Pictures, Images and Photos

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Friday, September 9, 2011

My Name is Imagination

I forge
your understanding
of the universe,

Taking the pen
and dreaming up
my spontaneous creation

I give you motivation
to be the god
of your happiness

I mask
the thoughts
in your head
And turn them
into immense
colorful illusion

Swim in the paper lake and relax,
Float within my excited mind

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Something Prickles Your Feet

qua đường Pictures, Images and Photos

Something prickles my feet
I feel the acupuncture underneath
I move and feel lines of ribbed harmony
Tracing down my foot.
My neck becomes a mountain range
Hairs stand like trees in a forest.

From the nerves in my dermis
My brain receives signals
My hoofs feel the threading
Of ants searching up and down
The ribbed terrain
Of my twinkle toes

One piercing in front of the other
They trod to and fro
Ambulatory in a jungle of skin
There are 100 receptors in each fingertip
And all I feel is the slip, nip, sting and prick
The puncture each pace leaves behind.

I push a daisy
Close my eyes
The grass feels nice.

If you like this post, please follow me by clicking "follow" on the upper left-hand corner of this page. If you have any comments or queries relating this post, feel free to post said comment/query as a comment. Don't forget to follow my blog. Cheers for writing, Pear.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fashion Pictures, Images and Photos


Pablo Haedo

watercolor wallpaper Pictures, Images and Photos

You, Pablo Haedo
Trying to save your father
From the slithering snake

But oil burst from its flesh
The repulsive smell impregnated
In the core of your fleshy skin

Black repugnant night and day
It would not go away
Repugnance, nausea

You were trying to save your father
What a price to pay for life:
Losing smell by smelling

Now food has no taste.
Luz doesn’t wear perfumes.
No lingering baby smells.

When the snake died,
You were the true deceased,
The unfortunate one

You, Marina Haedo
Trying to save your father
From his destiny

Alzheimer’s is quick,
But full of agony.

retro Pictures, Images and Photos

If you like this post, please follow me by clicking "follow" on the upper left-hand corner of this page. If you have any comments or queries relating this post, feel free to post said comment/query as a comment. Don't forget to follow my blog. Cheers for writing, Pear.