Thursday, August 27, 2009


Why do you always get me so high and so crazy? With just one word, just one, you turn my world upside down. I was fine, you know, before you said anything. Why did you insist on communicating incapacitated words to me? I need not your pity, nor your abundance; I need you when you're with me and not at all when you're not. Ay, me! You are the pure embodiment of confusion, yet you have made me understand myself. I love you still, my darling, and you know that well. So, why do you insist on destructing the life I made after you? Why, after all you put me through, do you ask me if I love you still? February 17th has come and gone, yet my heart has never left yours. Trust me darling, at night, I lie awake and wish with all my might that you would be there next to me. In the afternoons, I day-dream of dancing with you and kissing you and being happy. Why must you ruin everything I have accomplished without you? I proved to myself I could do it! I truly did. So, why now? Why? Am I just some sort of experiment of love to you? Ay, me! So many questions, but no answers whatsoever. Here's another one: why do you get to pick when we talk? how come, when I need to speak to you, you're never there, and, if you are, you ignore me? The least you owe me is your friendship. But why?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Sound that Flows Through Me

The sound flows throughout my body; it travels like electricity inside of it. With the touch of a key, you make love to me, and that love gains access throughout my solemn body and feels you swaying the music to your liking need. Sweet sound, take me away into the night and make me believe that you and I are not that far away. With the music, speak to me of love, of emotion, of sensation, and never stop. I'm in the height of the world when you're playing and caressing those keys. I'm high in the mountains, travelling through forests, and all because you embodied me with an instrument -your soul.

Monday, August 24, 2009

An Old Beginning

Dear reader,

I'm sorry to have neglected this blog for quite some time. I've had a major writer's-block. It's funny how I consider myself to be such a writer when I'm so lazy with it... Sometimes I feel as if my writings weren't good enough, but then I re-read them and, though I find a few errors and "disparates" here and there, I realize what an amazing piece of work it is. So, now, let me update you in my life...

Since the last time we spoke, it rained, I went to Houston to visit my aunt, I decided to writer another book, I got into all honors in my classes, I became a Junior, I did my homework and my summer assignments, and I lost my grandfather. The latter was the saddest part of my year so-far.

It's raining here in Puerto Rico. I love it when it rains since everything becomes kind of chilly (chilly here me is 89 degrees...). The rain is so rhythmitic and it gives you a sense of calm no other person of work of nature can give you. I have a theory: I believe that rain was created to help cleanse us, not only physically, but also emotionally. It always rains when I feel sad or lonely; the weather always seems to mold with my mood. Outside, I hear the cars racing up and down the streets, I hear birds chirping, I see drops falling down and splitting as they hit the orange tiles. The sky is grey and my orchid is dying, at least I think it is since it's turning yellow. The cars...doesn't anyone slow down? Doesn't anyone just stop and listen to the music of nature or look at the green hiding behind all the urban grey and the cable black?

God, I miss my grandfather so much. He died with Alzheimer's disease and Parkingson's disease - a deadly and destructive combination. Somtimes, I don't mind so much that he passed away, but that he was tortured so much before leaving. At least now he's in a peaceful slumber where nothing hurts and nothing can be forgotten... Sweet, sweet viejito...can you see me from up there? I love you still, so much.